Changes for 2024
Here are few things that will be in focus for the upcoming year.
1. health:
- I got my full body checkup done this year and it turns out, My body needs my help.
- Gotta avoid junk food as much as possible and start eating heart healthy food.
- Also, I’m planning to become a vegan. I got this thought after reading this book named How Not To Die , What I learnt is that, we get literally nothing from having non-veg, there are a lot of side-effects from it. Replacing it with plant based diet is one of the best decision one can make. So yeah, I will try to be mindful about my diet.
- Also, Regarding the gym, I was going on and off throughout this year. In total, I would say, 3 months of my times is spent in the gym. I could have been more consistent than what i have been but yes. So regarding this, I will first do some home workout with resistance bands and if i feel like i can continue, then i will think of joining a gym again.
- Apart from gym going, I will go for walk on a daily basis. This should be consistent, no excuses.
- For the diet part, I will be having more fruits.
- Health insurance is provided by my company so that’s a plus.
2. money:
- After saving enough for my emergency fund, I focused more on mutual funds mainly the index funds.
- Stock market isn’t for me, I don’t really like the idea of tracking numbers and patterns. It’s hard to keep up with the latest news, so i will delegate it to the fund managers and just focus on increasing the income sources so i can invest more.
- In the initial stages of one’s life, Increasing the income will have more effect than trying to invest more. Cause without much income, we can’t invest more. I got this from the “Just keep buying book”. One of the best book on personal finance.
- Since my goal is higher income, I will look if i can get a better role or a better job somewhere else. Will also focus on passive income, be it from in app purchases or freelance work.
3. career/work:
- Currently i don’t like the role, so will try to get a better role from within the same project or switch to a new project or in the worst case change to a different company altogether in case i don’t get an ideal role
- Will be focusing more on getting certified for cloud.
- More time will be used for practicing leetcode.
- I’m learning more by building stuff. Will try to focus on just creating projects with spring in specific.
- Also, My focus would be on learning Java Spring, Cloud and Micro-services and build stuff using it.
- Sharing thoughts on linkedin will also be of focus to me this year. Be it writing articles on this blog and share the one’s that matter on linkedin.
4. family & friends:
- Try to keep people in touch as I usually neglect this part. At least call them when time permits.
- I would also want to focus on travel this year. At least go somewhere every weekend. Be it nearby or plan for more adventurous stuff like hiking.
- Plan for any hackathons/meets to build connections.
- Be kind and help others in need.
5. self:
- I need to get into meditation more.
- Be consistent with reading & Journaling.
- Take things slow.
- I feel like, compared to my peers, I take life a bit too seriously. So, want to change that. By taking time out and going places.
- Try to become more independent. Explore alone when possible.
- Will be keeping track of these goals and reviewing them on a weekly basis. Like they say, Keep goals specific.
With that, Happy New Year! and let’s try to make this year a “one to remember” kind.