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    Vamshidhar Telugu

thoughts on being in a relationship

i would say, it’s not for everyone. like before we get into a relationship, it’s important to be aware of the tradeoffs and then decide if it is worth the shot.


  1. you will have to spend time talking/texting, going out on weekends

if you are the type of person who is introverted and love to spend time being home, read some books, then it’s going to be a problem. some people are dramatic, they want all your time to be spent on them, making them laugh, happy or whatever but if it is at the expense of the time that you would otherwise use to invest in your personal growth then you will be the one at loss. cause time is everything. that’s the only factor that determines where you will end up.

especially in our 20’s, this is the time that decides where we will end up later on. the college that we get into, our first job, all these things get decided based on the decisions that we take in this period.

most of the relationships during this time don’t last. as they say, we should be prepared for the worst case scenario, so let’s just say you spent all your time on this girl, instead of balancing the study time for 2 years and you end up in a tier 3 college where it’s pretty hard to get placed, and during such worst times what if she leaves you? 2 years down the drain. if it works out fine, what’s the guarantee that you will get married to this girl? considering your future prospects like your college and job? abysmal.

  1. there’s always scope for a heart break

it could be due to reasons that are outside of your control, maybe she might find someone more interesting than you, cooler than you, good looking than you. If she leaves you for such reasons, consider it a bullet dodged. Cause in most cases people who does these things are not mature enough. Cause it’s just stupid, in the long run they don’t matter.

it’s not just time that is wasted. our mental peace, people go into depression in some cases and they might never recover back.

but trust me, no matter how logical you want to think about it, it's going to really hard, seeing your girl with someone else.

What could happen if you say no to a relationship?

We might feel lonely and think “What’s the point of having all these if we don’t a person to share with?” and i won’t deny that, it feels lonely sometimes, you get a job and have no one to celebrate with.

Of course we will have our parents and friends but it’s quite different from having that one girl who laughs for your stupid jokes.

But as I said, it depends. It’s about priorities. It’s quite hard to have everything without any tradeoffs. Nothing comes easy. You want it, You pay the price. I envy those who always balance things pretty well. I wish i could do that. But that’s not me. I’m more of all or nothing breed. I can’t focus on multiple things.

we should also consider the fact that this is not going to be forever, we will get married, obviously the arranged one but still we do have a chance to find the one.

in summary:

anyways these are my thoughts on relationship stuff. i have been in few relationships. went through some pretty tough heart breaks. sometimes they dumped me and other times i did. either way, it’s just an experience and a necessary one to have. there’s a lot we can learn from getting our hearts broken, cause no matter how hard you may try to stay away from such things, someone someday will break it.