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Civic Issues Riktam Flutter App Project

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    Vamshidhar Telugu

Local Voices: Community Empowerment App

Find the Source Code here

Local Voices is a dynamic Flutter app crafted for community engagement and issue resolution. This hackathon project introduces innovative features to strengthen local bonds and address communal concerns.


Profile Creation

  • Users can easily create profiles, fostering a sense of community identity.
  • Personalized profiles enable users to track their contributions and engagement.

Image Upload for Issue Reporting

  • Users can upload images showcasing local issues, providing a visual context for community challenges.
  • Geotagging ensures accurate issue mapping within the locality.

Interactive Community Engagement

  • Users can comment on posts, fostering discussions around reported issues.
  • Like functionality encourages positive reinforcement and acknowledges community involvement.

Sorting and Filtering

  • Robust sorting options allow users to prioritize posts based on relevance, date, or severity.
  • Filtering features enhance user experience, ensuring relevant and timely content.

Admin Dashboard

  • A dedicated admin login provides authorized personnel with control over content management.
  • Admins can efficiently moderate, respond to issues, and ensure community guidelines are upheld.


Local Voices envisions a connected, proactive community that collaboratively addresses local challenges. Through its intuitive design and robust features, the app aims to amplify community engagement and create a positive impact.

Join Local Voices and be a catalyst for change in your locality!