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moving on..

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    Vamshidhar Telugu

the act of moving on..

This will be probably the last entry on relationships for this year, I already have 2 writings on this topic.

It’s just that, I’m dealing with a breakup at the moment and that is taking up most of my mental space. I’m trying to nudge my heart to accept that it is over and all the things that I have dreamt of are going to stay that way, as dreams.

We decided to stay as friends. And I know what you are thinking, If you ask any relationship expert on how to move on, they all will suggest to cut all kind of contact with the other person. I did try that and it did work for me before. But this time, it’s a bit different.

If I look at it through a different lens, She has been a good friend all along and just because it didn’t workout in the romantic realm doesn't mean i should let go of the friendship too. It just doesn’t make sense to me man. I already lost the girl and loosing a friend too, just doubles the loss. So yes, I will try to be atleast a good friend.

"Life goes on. It might not be your mistake but it's definitely your responsiblity to pick yourself up, again and again..."